Last month, MadameNoire asked us at EasyPeasie to help get kids and families ready for back-to-school. I put on my pediatrician hat and came up with a few tips for families to improve the morning routine! Check out our full article here. Here’s a summary…
Kids thrive on routine!
As we prepare to embark on a new school year, let’s make three easy adjustments to the morning routine to ensure our kids are ready to learn!
Sleep! A great morning starts the night before with a good night’s sleep. Give the kids (and yourself) a regular bedtime and wake-time. Practice getting up at the same time every day – even on days off and weekends.
It’s also very important to give our brains a chance to fully “shut down” by ceasing use of electronics (including phones!) at least an hour before bedtime.
Water! Offer a glass of water along with or instead of milk in the morning. Water is a great and calorie-free way to tell your body that you’re awake and ready to take on the day!
Think about how little water your kids probably drink throughout the day. Give them a hydration kick-start with a big tall glass!
Breakfast! Stack their breakfast with proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates – foods that take the body longer to digest. These foods will keep your kids fuller longer.
Easy foods from these categories that you can add to breakfast are: a slice of cheese, peanut or almond butter, boiled or scrambled eggs, yogurt and granola, or oatmeal. And of course, who says veggies are just for lunch and dinner? Add some veggies (or EasyPeasie) to breakfast!
Help your kid put her best foot forward and be ready for the day with a great morning routine. Happy new school year, families!
The Peas