Hey there PeaPod!
We Peas wanted to take this opportunity to once again say, “Thank You.” You may have noticed our new website and our most recently updated “Reviews” section.
In the process of creating this section, we collected the wonderful photos, stories, and kind words that encompass your EasyPeasie experiences; we read many mommy blogs, Facebook pages, Pinterest boards, and Insta feeds…
It was amazing to reflect on the journey that we’ve had with you and your families these last three years – moving together from infancy to toddlerhood; now preparing to enter “big kid” world.
And like my sister did – with her boys being 2 years apart – many of you are navigating both toddler AND infant world together. God bless you. And keep on keeping on! We know #thestruggleisreal!
From our first sales here in our Florida farmer’s markets, to getting on Amazon last year; from our first mommy bloggers, to our recent shout-out from a Real Housewife of New York (#RHONY), we have loved every moment of being a part of your family mealtimes!
I already know this as a pediatrician – yet it’s always nice to be reminded – that being even a small part of someone’s family is special and a place of honor.
Listening to your concerns, getting tiny glimpses of that ingenious parent problem-solving, and seeing all of you moms and dads out there doing your best by your children is real and powerful and inspiring to us.
You are our motivation to keep going, keep improving, and keep working to make EasyPeasie available to as many families as possible; both here and around the world. And it’s happening!
We are thankful for you :) Onward...Love, The Peas :)